A downloadable tool

The age-old game of X's and O's, its the Tic Tac Tester! This game is a tool to help develop your sense of the game Tic Tac Toe! The game comes with:

- A full simulator of the classic game, Tic Tac Toe.

- A curator who will oversee your progress and maybe your descent into madness

- A sense of accomplishment.

This game is meant purely for the purpose of honing your tic tac toe skills. Got an annoying cousin who claims he can win every time? This tool is great for training! Want to impress your friends by winning at Tic Tac Toe every time? This tool is great for training! The best part? Its completely free!

(Game 1 of Zombiethedergs Self-Enforced Game Jam) 


TicTacAloneBuild1.exe 67 MB

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